
General ItemPreparing for your Interview
Explore general tips about dress code, dining etiquette, and ways to practice before your interview
General ItemDuring your Interview
Go over interview best practices and review unique interview type scenarios to get prepared
General ItemAfter your Interview
Follow ups, negotiating, things to look out for... take a look at all you need to know after the interview
Additional interviewing resources for you:
Interview FAQs
While the person conducting the interview likely has a copy of your resume, never assume that everyone you meet with will have seen. It never hurts to be prepared with additional copies.
Even if you are aware that employees of an organization dress casually on the job, dress more formally for the interview unless you are specifically told otherwise by the employer. The interview is a professional meeting and thus a more formal occasion than daily work. For additional questions, check out our interview attire guidelines.
There are many ways you can learn more about an employer. Talking to people, using the employer's website, researching news sources, and contacting someone in the organization are all great places to start the research process. Visit the Research page of our interview prep section for more information.
You can expect a mix of general and job-specific questions during your interview. Visit our During an Interview page for a list of common questions, or download the list using the link below.