Federal Resume

- Federal resumes are longer than private sector resumes (commonly 3-5 pages depending on education level). Begin with your private sector resume and build on it.
- Include your number of credit hours and use related courses/class projects to demonstrate related experience. You can also provide a short description of key skills learned in a particular class if relevant to the specific application.
- Read the job description, also called a vacancy announcement, to find KEYWORDS under duties, responsibilities, and qualifications. Group your skills into these KEYWORDS to demonstrate proficiency.
- Include month and year of your start and end dates, full street address, salary, hours per week, supervisor name and number, and permission to contact for each experience.
- Since Federal Resumes are expected to be longer, be sure to expand on your experiences and include all relevant info!
- Federal resumes include references, listed at the end of the document. Include name, title, company/agency, and contact information (address, phone number, and email) for 3-4 references.