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Case Interviews

A case interview requires interviewees to analyze a problem, identify key issues, and provide an approach to addressing the situation.

Case interviews are primarily used by management consulting firms and investment banking companies. Employers assess case interviews based on your analytical process and how you solve the problem, rather than focusing on the answer. A good methodology in case interviewing can showcase your ability to solve problems in real-life situations overall.

Be Sure To

  • Break down the problem as a mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive issue. 
  • Focus on how you solve the problem and not simply finding the correct answer. 
  • If you are interviewing with a specific organization that uses case interviews, be sure to research their website for tips.

Get Prepared

Like any new skill, it takes time to master the skills required to be successful with case interviews. Start your preparation early, potentially the summer before an application cycle. 

  • First, learn the core skills that go into solving the case interview. 
  • Next, do a few practice case interviews to get a feel for how they actually work.
  • After practicing, watch videos of sample case interviews to refine your process.
  • Finally, identify specific areas of weakness within your case interview approach and practice those areas. (ex. Setting up the case, drilling math problems, etc.)

Video Resources or Courses:

Free Practice Cases:

Written Resources: