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Group Interviews

Some interviews involve multiple interviewers, while other interviews may include multiple candidates in one interview together. Consider these tips as you prepare for your group interview.

Multiple Interviewers:

  • Before your interview, research your interviewers. Titles or bios on the company website or LinkedIn can be helpful.
  • Include everyone in the conversation. Make eye contact with each person, not just the person asking the question.
  • When you are asked questions, your interviewers will probably take turns asking questions.
  • When asking your interviewers questions, make sure to pause long enough for multiple answers.
  • With multiple interviewers a variety of experience and viewpoints will be represented. Use this as an opportunity to get diverse information about the job, location, or other important considerations.
  • Ask for everyone’s business card at the end of the interview to help as you send thank you notes. Send a unique thank you note to each person.

Multiple Candidates:

  • Don’t let the other candidates intimidate you. Focus on what makes you a great candidate. 
  • Include everyone in the group discussions. Know when to lead and when to follow. 
  • Build on other people’s ideas to show that you are listening. 
  • Be yourself. Don’t force characteristics because you think they are what the company seeks. 
  • Speak with a purpose. Go beyond paraphrasing what others have already said. 
  • Make your interactions with other candidates personable and professional. Stick to noncontroversial conversation topics. 
  • You might end up working with some of the other candidates, so get to know them. However, don’t let getting to know other candidates distract you from why you are there: to get a job.