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Technical Interviews

Focus on fundamentals

The interviewer is less concerned with your conclusion as they are with your thought process and how you can communicate that process. In order to see how you think they are likely to ask you one question that focuses purely on fundamentals.

Be prepared to solve problems in multiple ways

After testing your fundamental knowledge and though process, the interviewer will probably ask an open-ended question that can be answered in many different ways. This is another area where you want to communicate your thought process! You can do this by thinking out loud, as you decide which method to choose. Also, be sure to show the interviewer hat you are aware of many ways to solve the problem before you settle on just one.

Don't be afraid to ask questions

If you are confused or something is unclear, it is okay to ask a question. This will demonstrate to the interviewer how you work with others, especially during complex problems or ambiguious situations.

Helpful tips

  • Simulate the interview environment
  • Have a non-technical friend ask you questions and walk them through the answer
  • Use prep tools
